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Features of Drupal


Drupal's Special Characteristics

Drupal is provided as open-source software, maintained by users and developers all over the world, and is free for anyone to use, regardless of whether or not that use is personal or for profit.

Rich in Features                  

Drupal has a surprising number of modules that can be added to enhance the basic functionality. Many modules have already been created throughout the world, and are free to use.

Freely Customizable                 

Drupal was designed with customizability in mind, so one can easily customize it to cooperate with business systems or custom functions.

Powerful Multi-Lingual Features                  

Drupal makes it possible to manage web sites in a variety of languages, including English, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Korean, and many more.

Robust Security                  

Drupal has a security team that takes measures to preserve security on a daily basis. Drupal is used by large domestic corporations, and has passed all security audits.

Case study

Adoption by Famous Sites

Drupal is one of the most widely-used content management systems in the world, and has been adopted by many famous sites.

Prime Minister of Australia
The Economist


University of Oxford

Examples of Domestic Use

Drupal has been adopted by Japanese companies in many industries and business categories.

  • 株式会社エイチ・アイ・エス
  • 株式会社マイナビ
  • 毎日新聞社
  • 株式会社ポニーキャニオン
  • 株式会社エス・エム・エス
  • 青山学院大学
  • インフォコム株式会社
  • 株式会社光通信
  • ワールド・ファミリー株式会社
  • 株式会社リクルート
  • 積水ハウス株式会社
  • バニラ・エア株式会社
  • 日立ビジネスソリューション株式会社
  • コベルコ建機株式会社

Numerous Awards

Drupal was awarded the "Open Source CMS Award" two years in a row, and will soon be entered into the hall of fame. Overseas it is a representative CMS package with an extraordinary reputation.


In 2007

“Open sauce CMS award” Winner

In 2008

“Open sauce CMS award” Winner for 2 consecutive years (Won the 1st place in the general category and the PHP category)

In 2009

“Open sauce CMS award” , Winner, 2 consecutive year ( Won a 1st place in the Hall of Fame Category, and PHP category)

オープンソースCMSアワード08 オープンソースCMSアワード09 Webware2007 Webware2008
Webware2009 InfoWorld2011 InfoWorld2012

Basic Features and Extension Features of Drupal

Dupal is a full-fledged open-source CMS that has various functions such as content management, membership management, keyword search, and RSS distribution. With the advanced multilingualization function equipped as a standard feature, Drupal is an extremely suitable CMS for portal site construction.


Extensibility of Drupal

The installation of extension modules that are being developed all over the world enables adding necessary functions. Over 30,000 Drupal modules are available on the official Drupal website for free.

Extension Modules AvailableOver 30,000 modules
Design Themes AvailableOver 2,000 themes
Registered DevelopersApproximately 40,000 companies
Community UsersOver 1,000,000 users
Sites Drupal is AdoptedOver 1,000,000 sites
Available Languages110 languages
OrganizationsDrupal Association            
2828 SW Corbett Avenue, Suite #203            
Portland, Oregon 97201, USA

Security of Drupal

The Drupal Security Team is constantly working to ensure website security. It is eligible in maintaining the security for the websites of major Japanese corporations.

Defense against Popular Attacks

The Drupal core modules are proof against well-known site attacks such as SQL Injection/ Cross-Site Scripting/ Cross-Site Request Forgery.

Drupal’s Own Security Team

The Drupal community has its own security team that immediately processes and resolves reported security issues.

Functions to Improve Security

Drupal is equipped with functions such as SSL/ User Management/ Access Privilege Management/ Access Rule Setting as standard features in order to improve website security.


SEO of Drupal

Websites built with Drupal are easily accessible from search engines, which is very beneficial to SEO. There a various great features available for SEO with Drupal.

Features of DrupalEffects of SEO
Optimization of URLAn URL can be customized in the way that makes sense on search engines such as “”.
META Tag ManagementA title, description, keywords about the content can be set up and managed. Automatic META tag generation is also available.
OGP Tag ManagementOGP tags can be set up for each Facebook and Twitter content.
XML Sitemap GenerationAn XML sitemap of the content can be generated automatically and sent to major search engines such as Google.
Access AnalysisInstall the Google Analytics and analyze the contents page by page.
Display Breadcrumb TrailAutomatically generate a breadcrumb trail to indicate the current location within the content.
Check Expired LinksDetect expired links in the content automatically.
Set up RedirectionRedirection can be set up from the old URL to the new URL on the management screen.


Drupal provides over 600 packages of modules in the form of distributions, which are best-suitable for the industry. Using an adequate distribution for the site construction, largely reduces individual installation of modules and customization.

Commerce Kickstart

For EC Site


For Employment/ Career Change Site


For News Site


For Blog Site


For Government/ Public Organization Site

Drupal Commons

For Community Site


For Intranet Site


For Educational Institution Site

Open Hotel

For Hotel Site

Drupalアソシエーション サポーティングパートナー

Digital Circus is the first company in Japan to be recognized as an official supporting partner of 'Drupal', and we offer support for Drupal in Japan.

Please don't worry about post-purchase upgrades of Drupal or about maintenance support. As the first official supporting partner of Drupal amongst Japanese companies, we take care of maintenance support and introductions to Drupal in Japan. Our staff have great experience of Drupal and offer total support from introduction to practical use.

The Drupal Association is at the center of the open-source CMS 'Drupa' development community and offers promotion, management and support of Drupal development projects. The Drupal Association offers services relating to Drupal and offers a supporting partner system to companies providing great support and contributions to the Drupal community. Companies like Acquia that manages Drupal's cloud services and Commerce Guys which develops modules for E-commerce are included in the list of supporting partners and Digital Circus has been recognised as the first amongst Japanese companies.

Licensing Cost

Drupal is open source software that is maintained by users and developers throughout the world. It is distributed under the GPL license, and whether for business or personal use there will never be a licensing fee.

The only costs that could be associated with using Drupal would be design creation, initial set-up of the CMS and required modules, and, if needed, customization labor costs.
